Welcome to Joy Culture!

Hey Everyone! 

If you are reading this, I just want to say thank you! If you are stopping in you either have a love for some faith based clothing and accessories, or you were wondering what the heck "Joy Culture" means and were curious so you decided to stop on in!

Well I am so glad you are here, and I hope you read through this post! 

 My name is Kaitlin and I am a college graduate who didn't know what in the world she wanted to do with her life. I have a heart for the Lord and love looking for ways to introduce the love of Christ to others, which brings up Joy Culture! 

 Sooo Long Story Short.....

Having a small business has been on my heart for a long time, and I felt like it could be something the Lord was calling me to do.  I just never had the means to start. But through prayer and patiently waiting, God has provided; and I am finally beginning the dream of starting my own business! 

We all know our culture is filled with different ideas, opinions, perspectives, etc. And I notice that it is filled with just a lot of negativity, so my heart behind the name is to spread the JOY of the Gospel to impact our culture. I want to do that by creating faith-based designs and putting them on apparel and accessories! 

So that is a little bit of where I am at and hopefully why you are here! I don't want to just be a "business owner" I truly believe we can make a difference in our culture through the gifts we have been given by an almighty KING! 

I really hope you stick along for this journey with me! 
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! 

I want to know you and who the people are that want to be a difference maker! Wear what I am selling with JOY and be ready to have some conversations about: "Hey... what does your sweatshirt/tee/hoodie even mean?!" 

 Love y'all


Owner of Joy Culture Co. 

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